Holiday Heartbreak ( 6 ) - Rachel Renée Russell

Holiday Heartbreak is a diary fiction novel owned by Nikki Maxwell. Brandon invites her to Crazy Burger. Nikki thinks of this as a date and gets excited. She is disappointed when Brandon cancels the meeting saying that he is busy. There is a Sweetheart dance coming on Valentines day and the girls should ask a boy as a date. Nikki wants to ask Brandon but the incident at Crazy Burger makes her hesitate. For the next few weeks, Nikki gets crazy texts from Brandon. Nikki so badly wants Brandon to go out with her, but how will she convince him?

This book was a bit romantic with a bit of suspense. It was full of drama and comedy. It was also relatable. A few parts are expected but a few are not. The book is a bit based on how you should trust the right person and that you should listen to them instead of brushing them off. Once I started reading the book, I could not put it down. It was a page turner. At some parts of the book, you will start thinking from the main characters perspective and try guessing the problem and/with the one who caused it. Recommended for teens and tweens. 

Rating- 4.6/5 
Images Courtesy Internet
