The Sixth Form at St. Clare's ( 9 ) - Enid Blyton , Pamela Cox

The O'Sullivan twins are head girls of their beloved school. They are determined to be the best had girls ever, but they soon find that this is difficult considering all the problems they have. Priscilla is being mean to everyone, especially the first formers. New girl Morag is now Carlotta's responsibility thanks to the head. And Isabel suspects first former Dora Lacey of mischief.
This book was a roller coaster. Cox nailed the plot and the scenes. The new character's were great and I was absolutely delighted with Morag's background story and her transformation. The addition of younger girls made the story beautiful. I love the easy writing style. The last chapter gets quite emotional. Overall, this is a short but amazing novel that you can finish in one sitting.
Rating- 4.7/5 
Image Courtesy Internet
