10 Powerful Tricks to Enjoy Reading in 2021 | Relish More Books When Busy

I have met many peole who say that they are too busy to read. Sometimes it's true, but sometimes it's an excuse. Whatever the reason is, it doesn't matter. Coz you are in the right place. We have collected some tricks from our reading experiences. If you follow them consistently, you are sure to finish some books pretty soon.

1) Audiobooks- This is the most obvious one. Audiobooks are something you can listen to at any time. While cooking, traveling, or just going about your daily life. Pair it up with another activity and enjoy some good stories while being productive.

2) Carry Books with You- This may not be very useful during the pandemic, but it makes sense. If you are waiting for your order at a cafe or your doctor's appointment, books will help pass the time. Take a small book or an e-book on your gadget with you. I prefer reading a hard copy when I'm not multi-tasking.

3) Read in Bed- A lot of us grab our phone (or specs) first thing in the morning. The last thing you do at night is fiddle with your phone. When there is a break in between, you check your Whatsapp and other social media. Instead, spend that time reading. Starting and ending your day on this note gives you some good food for thought. I don't recommend reading till late hours, but a few pages are still in progress. 

4) Eliminate Distractions- For new readers, it helps your reading experience by switching off your Wi-Fi and Limiting Calls. You might want to find the meaning of a word or phrase. But don't. Because you are very likely to revert to YouTube. Try investing in a traditional dictionary.

5) Family Reading- This is perfect if you find it hard to concentrate. Set out sometime each day, and gather your family members. Find a book that everyone will enjoy. One person starts reading the book. Then pass it on to another person, and continue. Make it engaging by adding wacky actions and expressions. Try out crazy tones and make it memorable. This activity kills two birds with one stone! You are reading and bonding with your loved ones.

6) Join a Book Club- Not yet satisfied? Drag your besties and get them to read too! Read the same book at the same time and see the magic. You can discuss the book at various stages and see what others think about the book. Ask questions. Check what the others remember and what they don't. Explore their favorite characters, quotes, and dialogues.

7) Merge Daily Activities- Maybe you are an introvert and are not keen on interacting so much. Maybe it's just that you are too busy for the last two hacks. Don't worry. This should help. Combine an existing habit with reading. For example, reading between your exercise and breakfast. Keep a book on your towel to remind you to read before your bath.

8) Reading is a Reward- Many people consider reading a chore. This thinking will not help you in any way. Books are a treat! Imagine them to be a well-deserved break from your work and studies. Books are an escape from our world when it gets too repetitive or stressful.

9) Connect Studies and Projects- Read a book based on the historical period you are studying at school. I'm sure you can find a book based on your profession. Non-Fiction will give you tips on how to improve in your career or studies. Fiction is usually relatable and contains hidden messages and advice. The choice is yours. In the end, you can always say that you spent your time productively,

10) Post on Social Media- If none of this works, this should get you reading. Tell your fans and followers on Insta what you are reading. For better results, give yourself a deadline. When you make an announcement, you are forced to stay committed and finish your book.

So if you are keen on reading, I know you will try out at least one of the above tips. Do you have anything of your own to suggest to our readers. Which tricks do you plan on using? What are you reading currently? Tell us everything. If you enjoyed our post, share it with your friends and family. Subscribe to our blog to get notified. Till then, take care!

Saloni Porwal
