7 Dangerous Mistakes Made By New Readers And How To Fix Them Easily


Hey BookGurus! Now that you have 11 reasons to read, you have probably tried to pick up a book. But some of you couldn't get past two pages. If this is you, then you are probably stuck in the loop of doubts and procrastination. 

The first thing you need to know is that a loop will never break unless you try to break it. There is no miraculous moment when you feel the desire to read. You need to take the first step on your own but don't forget that we are here if you ever want a boost. And remember that you are never too young or too old to start reading.

Here's our list of errors that you could make and their antidotes which you need regularly.

1) Over Aiming- When you aim to read 300 pages a week but don't reach your goal, you are discouraged and give up. Instead, aim for a reachable goal, even if it is just a few pages a day. If you read more than a few pages a day, you will feel motivated to read more. Don't worry if you don't reach your daily limit. Try again from today. Once you reach your goal daily for a few weeks, raise the bar slightly and continue! 

2) Restricted Timings- This may seem like a good idea at first, but it only creates restrictions. You ignore your free time that comes out suddenly and read only in the allotted time when you can't focus or understand, yet you force yourself to read. It is a better idea to read when you feel like it.

3) Too Many Books- Many advanced readers read multiple books at a time, which is fine if you can absorb the information. But as a beginner, too many books mess up your understanding, and you lose interest in the book. Instead, carry your book wherever you go and read as and when you get time. Avoid reading in small breaks, as it breaks your reading flow.

4) Stick to Recommendations- It's a bad idea to stick to top books or reading books that your bookworm friends recommend. Everyone has different preferences. Forcing yourself to read a book that you don't enjoy will only bore you. Try exploring your favorite genres. Read what you relate with and love.

5) Consider Reading as a Chore- Don't read for the sake of it or because someone is forcing you to. If you don't like a book, leave it and move on. While watching cartoons, if you dislike a particular one, you stop watching it. Do the same with books. It's not that some books are not good. It's just that they are not for you. I know it is hard to read when your first book wasn't great. But please give other books a chance. There are too many out there, and I promise you will find one that you like.

6) Limiting Yourself- I limited myself to my favorite author (Enid Blyton) for years. I now realize what I missed. A visit to the local library will fix everything. (Avoid this if your district is producing many COVID cases) Try going to different sections. Pick any book which interests you. (I know you aren't supposed to judge a book by its cover, but that's what book covers are there for) Read the synopsis, reviews, and first paragraph. If you spend thirty minutes there, you will find at least two books that you like.

7) Reading Only Your Age Group- Age group categories like Middle Grade, Young Adult, New Adult, and Adult are only for letting potential readers know that they wrote this book with them in mind. It does not mean that other age groups cannot read it. I enjoy Young Adult instead of Middle Grade, which is for my age group. You may be an adult who prefers teenage stories, and there is no reason why you shouldn't read them. 

These were common reading mistakes that you could be making while reading. Do you recognize any of the errors in your reading habits? Follow our advice for a month and come back to let us know how you feel. If you like our posts and articles, Subscribe, Share and Comment. See you soon! 

Saloni Porwal
