Why I Prefer Books To Movies | Books VS Movies

Why I Prefer Books To Movies | Books VS Movies

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In audio-visuals, you are fed the details about the setting and characters which can be too much to take in. A good author gives you only the necessary details slowly, which makes it much easier to picture the story. Another thing that I love about text is that you have so much freedom of imagination. you know just the basic structure of the place and its people, so you can fill in the rest according to your liking.

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Most books tap on your eyes, ears, nose, and sometimes tongue and skin too. Movies, however affect only your seeing and hearing only. You can't feel the satiny texture of the main character's clothes or how he felt after swallowing a drop of water after a week of being dehydrated or the aroma of the creamy soup that his mother made for him when he was a kid.

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Books are so much more accessible than movies. Its easy to sneak your friend's book, finish it, and keep it back before she notices a thing, but compare that with trying to get her Netflix password out of her. Close to impossible. And how annoying is it when you are trying to watch a web series on YouTube, but your internet decides to snooze for a while? With books, there's no such problem.

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A book in my experience is likely to do you more good than bad. In my opinion, audio affects your lifestyle more. For instance, when I see curses in books, my mind doesn't pay much attention to it, but after seeing a movie, the words stay in my mind for longer. Same goes with accents and pronunciations.

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Whenever I see a movie, I automatically imagine what it would like like as a book. Very likely, it would be stupid. Some people might find the background music and songs helpful, but I think they are an unnecessary distraction that I could do without. When it comes to being realistic, books are way better.

I know this is weird, but I'll mention it anyways. When I watch a movie alone, everyone around me would want to watch it too, but with books, no interferes much. Maximum, they'll ask you the name and what it's about, but that's about it.

If you especially like a book, you can sleep with it, hug it, it's a living thing with feeling. Movies? You can't even touch it unless it's a CD or DVD.

There is no compulsion while reading. You can read as much and as quickly as you want, unlike movies which last for two hours and you can't sleep without spending that much time in front of a device.

So that's it for this post. If you can think of more reasons why books are better than movies, let me know in the comments. We also post book reviews every Sunday and Tuesday, so come back for them!

BTW. I have made all the graphics in this page. So tell me what you think of them. Bye for now ;)

Saloni Porwal
