Here Come The Girls - Milly Johnson

Here Come The Girls - Milly Johnson. Book Cover

Ven, Olive, Roz and Frankie were childhood friends and always dreamed of going together on a cruise. Twenty five years later, Olive is working hard for her unappreciative family, Roz just can't show any love to her caring husband because of her horrible ex, and Frankie, who was once her best friend, is now her worst enemy. But Ven is determined to get her friends together for sixteen days, though she doesn't know if that can resolve all their endless problems.

I took some time to actually read it, but it's one of the most precious books that I own. The friendship and drama is too great to be missed out on. All four characters were so messed up, lost, and relatable. I do see a bit of me in each character. The plotline is simple, but sweet. Doesn't seem much on the outside, but once you are hooked, you can't put the book down. There are dozens of carefully planned plot twists involving so much of backstory and emotion, and ending doesn't disappoint you either. It's a happy, satisfying end to a long read. Parts of the romance were unnecessary. (The next part has teeny-tiny spoiler, but I don't think it will affect your reading to much.) Since there are four main characters, I think Johnson thought it was compulsory for each of them to have a love interest, but in a way, I would have liked for at least one of them to stay single. Personally, I think the romance is the only way to stay happy stereotype is too boring. The only romance I was really excited for, was Roz's, because the layers in their story are brilliant. Another quick mention would be the way the author purposely built the story around older characters. That way, they had so much more experience and memories to dictate their upcoming choices. I can't wait to read another one of Milly Johnson's books!!!

Rating- 4.2/5

Saloni Porwal
