8 Monthiversary | 2K Views | Special Q & A

Eight months ago, when we published our first post, we never thought our blog would blow up to something so big (it may be tiny to some of you...) In these few months, we learnt a lot about SEO, social media, marketing, designing, planning, and of course, writing. And as a result of all our hard work, today we boast a following of 800 on Instagram (@bookguru31) and 2k views on our blog. It is a special moment for both of us and we want to celebrate by answering 8 bookish questions that will help you know us better. Enjoy the post and comment your answers to these questions.

What's the first book you ever remember reading?
Saloni- It was The Moon In The Cap, a children's book that I had when was five. I don't remember who wrote it, but I absolutely loved the story. I had my mom read it out to me so many times, that I don't remember if I actually read the book or said it off by heart.

Vibhiksha- I actually don't remember but the first proper book I guess I read was El Deafo by Cece Belle. Saloni recommended it and I read it a few years back. It was a pretty good graphic novel for children.

Who's your all-time favorite book character?
Saloni- There way too many characters I love, but Georgina from Famous Five and Harriet from Geek Girl were my childhood favorites and I'm still not over them.

Vibhiksha- I loved almost all the book characters from the books I've read but the best would be Nancy Drew.

Has a book ever changed your life?
Saloni- I've been reading books for a very long time, so books have obviously played a major role in shaping my life, but I can't tell if a book was ever behind a huge change in my life, and even if it was, I won't be able to point out which book it was in specific.

Vibhiksha- I don't think so, but I hope I will find a life- changing book which will change my life in a positive way.

Which author dead or living would you dearly love to meet? 
Saloni- For a deceased author, Enid Blyton is the first name that comes to my mind. As for living, I'd love to meet Cecelia Ahern and Sophie Kinsella.

Vibhiksha- For living, I would want to meet Sophie Kinsella and Rachel Renne Russell. For dead, I would want to meet Carolyn Keene aka Mildred Benson.

Name a book loved by many that you didn't enjoy
Saloni- Alchemist. I was really excited to pick it up because of the thousands of lives it influenced, but I can't finish it.

Vibhiksha- Harry Potter. I've a few pages of the first book but I haven't finished it yet. I guess my opinion will change after finishing the book/series.

What tropes attract you and what are your pet-peeves?
Saloni- Favorite tropes: Hate to love; Friendship Club; Amnesia; Second Chance Romance; Fake Relationship.
Pet-peeves: Overnight transformations; Insta Love; Girl who has Everything but is Miserable; Toxic Relationships.

Vibhiksha- Favorite tropes: Best friends to lovers; Enemies to lovers; High school; Friendship; Unsmart person with great personality and behavior.
Pet peeves: Unbelievable fantasy; Love at first sight; Mean main/side characters; Crush of main character plays hard to get.

What is the one thing that you don't see often in books nowadays but you would love to see more of?
Saloni- I'd like to read new adult books centering a single completely Platonic Relationship. The only books of this kind are middle grade and YA, and if it has to be new adult friendship, it's either with a side character or it turns into a romance sooner or later.

Vibhiksha- I hope to see books which include main characters who are not good at many things but they have a good personality. 

Do sound or scenery make a difference to your reading process? What atmosphere do you prefer to read in?
Saloni- Sound doesn't matter to me. No matter how much the noise, I can read as long as no one touches me. I don't like reading while travelling either. Scenery doesn't change much. You can either take in your surroundings, or enjoy a book at a time. Both together is impossible unless you are distracted.

Vibhiksha- I can't read if there are many distractions. I enjoy reading in a quiet place with no sound and no one to disturb me. 

Answering this questions was such an enjoyable and nostalgic process. Do you have any bookish memories from your childhood. We would love to hear from you in the comments.


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