The Child I Never Had - Kate Hewitt

19 year old Mia gave up her daughter for adoption nearly eighteen years ago. Daisy has always know about her birth-mother- Mia. Now divorced, Suzanne has always felt that she is competing with Mia to be a good mother, and for the past few years, their relationship has been very strained. Things take a turn when Daisy announces that she wants to spend the next year living with her birth mother, her husband, and three daughters.

Just a couple chapters in, and I was transfixed. It was emotionally painful to put the book down, especially considering I had a math exam coming up. But it was totally worth it. The story was told from three perspectives- Mia, Suzanne, and Daisy. And along with this, we had 'then'- chapters from Mia or Suzanne in the past. I have read hundreds of books till date, but this one probably has the best use of multiple POV.  As we read on, we learn how similar feelings and thoughts the three MCs have, yet they choose to keep them private. I sympathized will all of them, as they were the cause of their own problems. I loved how their life was linked to the other two in every way. Speaking of other characters, Tom (Mia's husband), Mark (Suzanne's ex-husband), and Mia's daughters were brilliant. The (ex)husbands were caring, supportive, honest, and always there for  their respective (ex)spouses. The plot was brilliantly crafted too. and though some twists were expected, they were executed superbly. The ending was just perfect, with the right amount of nostalgia, regret, pain, joy, and satisfaction. I honestly can't find anything wrong with it, so please read it.

Rating- 5/5
