I Kissed Shara Wheeler - Casey McQuiston

3/5 stars

To be extremely honest, this felt like two books in a series bunched up as one.

So the first half of the book is where Shara has disappeared, leaving puzzling notes for the three people she kissed to find. (Mystery/Thriller/Adventure vibes) The second half is more of figuring out the mess and getting everything sorted. (Romance/Family/Friendship/Drama)

If you see what I mean, there's very different genres in here.

Nevertheless, while listening to the audio book, I adored the characters exceptional and wonderful. Now (months after the first time I listened in) after a re-listen, my rating's gone a bit down.

Speaking of the narrator, she is superb. Definitely one element which added lots of dimension to my listening experience. 

This was my first Casey McQuiston book, and I think it was a pretty good one for teens.
