For Butter or Worse A Rom Com by Erin La Rosa


4.5 stars!!

This was such a good book! I loved all the tropes in it, but the background stories of both MCs is what hooked me even further. While some reviewers felt that the chemistry felt forced and unbelievable, I didn't feel the same and quite enjoyed it. This is the first time I came across Erin La Rosa, but honestly, I can't wait to read more books by her.

Nina and Leo share a lovely, cheesy, filmy bond, which is perfect for lovers of the enemies to lover trope. Personally, I love how everything just fits in perfectly after all the ups and downs.

If you're looking for a combo of friendships, family, pain, loss, heartbreak, love, comfort, understanding, trust, (food), and so much more, For Butter Or Worse may be the read you're looking for.
