Hello Stranger - Katherine Center

3.5/5 stars
A solid page turner, though not perfect in my eyes. The concept and ideas in the story are super unique and compelling, though everything falls flat in the execution.
The characters are very two dimensional without the genuine backstory and internal arc of those from The Bodyguard. I can't make hair or tail of Sadie's family and their treatment of her. It was brushed upon towards the end, but I find it unsatisfactory. Sadie gave me mainly damsel in distress vibe with Joe there to clear evening up for her. He threw me off guard the way his whole personality morphed over and over as a puppet for the plot.
As in The Bodyguard, Center continues to shine in her writing, her style being effortless and very addictive. Some scenes in the book shine brighter than the rest which awed me as a reader. Parts where Said makes doormat of herself made the characters go down in my eyes, but let's be clear, I still adore Katherine Center's flow of words.
I can only speak for myself, and I found the twists very predictable even though this was only my second novel by the author. As i said before, the plot was a little weak.
Putting all of this aside, this is only the second novel I have read about face blindness, this one covering the issue in more depth, so I'd say go for it if you want some knowledge along with the entertainment.
Many thanks to NetGalley and St Martin's press for the complimentary ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.
