Secretly Yours - Tessa Bailey

2.5 stars (rounded as 2)
This was a disappointing read, and being my first by Tessa Bailey, I had high expectations due to the hype.
No, it's not just my high expectations! Even if I dove into this with no hopes, I'd have the same thoughts. Simply put, the characters were well crafted, but there was zero emotional connect with them. I wanted to root for these characters so bad, but I didn't get the first thing about their attraction.
True that Julian was Hallie's teenage crush years ago, but shouldn't she have gotten over him long back? Even if Hallie is as alluring as Julian feels, she can't be the most beautiful woman he's met in all these years! I think in another book, with the same characters, same quirks, same settings, but different love interests, this story would be brilliant.
I hate how the plotline is simply about two completely opposite characters which a physical attraction who make a great pair, and fit in with ease. The story has no suspense, nothing compelling, no surprises, its just a weirdly made up story, to fit the very unfit trope of 'opposites attract' or 'grumpy X sunshine' Speaking of which, I found the secret letters very not cute and cringe.
As said before, I enjoyed both MCs as individuals and appreciate their backstories bringing out their personalities, which is the only reason I'm not giving this a one star rating. I liked the few scenes in which Owen (another gardner who likes Hallie) and Natalie (Julian's sister) were mentioned, and although Unfortunately, Yours is coming out soon, I think I will skip it. I may read another Tessa Bailey after I get over what a mismatch this was :(
Thanks to NetGalley and Avon and Harper Voyager for the complimentary ARC. This does not affect my rating of the book.
