The Lonely Hearts Book Club by Lucy Gilmore

5 stars!!!

The start is very slow and boring. Not my ideal way to kick off a book, or a review for that matter. Is it worth it? Definitely! Stay put till chapter 4 or 5, and you'll get what I mean when I say this is an unconventional masterpiece.

Initially, I got ancient, weird vibes from the book, but as we progressed, I fell in love with the characters. I would break everything down to give you a better idea of the book, but this reading experience was amazing for me and I'd like for you to feel the same.

So yes, there is romance, friends, family relationships, denial, and loads of bookworms. I couldn't stop thinking of the characters!! They are so different and distinctly colorful, yet they fit together like a jigsaw puzzle. The story is NOT the highlight, so again, please be patient to be acquainted with all characters and then you will have a blast. 

I've heard a bit about Lucy Gilmore and now I'm convinced she is a superwriter. I can't imagine how this book took birth, but I'm so grateful it did. Ask me whether I'd rather meet the characters or the author, and I won't ever decide. Although I'm not a big hugger, I would bear hug every person who made this book reality.

And about the narrator. Angie Kane is soooo talented. I've never heard such mastery with different voices before, and the way she jumps from one voice to another is fantastic. If you can get your hands on the audio version, please do, because this is meant to be listened to!
