The Secret Summer Promise - Keah Brown

3/5 stars

3 stars!!

I was excited by the storyline, which proved to be a slight letdown. I didn't feel much of an attachment to any of the characters, and while I rooted for Andrea, I had nothing to pay off in the short ending.

The MCs although supposed to be 17, feel like mere 12 or 13-year-olds. This has nothing to do with sexuality or love, but maturity and attitude. The book would suit better as a middle-grade novel about young girls dealing with notions of LGBT and crushes for the first time, rather than a YA story to be taken seriously. I appreciated the interactions between Andrea and Hailee (her best friend/crush) which conveniently jumped from childish to more mature. 

The disability portion interested me, but there too I found very little detail. Having no experience around differently-abled people, I would have liked to learn more about the story (Andrea has Cerebral Palsy)

I definitely can't tell whether some serious editing would improve the book, but as of now, it's a miss for me.
